Everything looks better from down here…trust me!

Archive for January, 2010


Just hanging out and staying warm in my bed.  Will post more when I’m out and about this spring/summer.

All 4’s!

I like to sleep with all 4’s in the air!  heheh.

I’ve been a bad, bad boy.

I managed to sneak away part of a carrot, without my parents knowing.  Mom was making some carrot juice, and a small piece fell  on the ground.  I was able to sneak in, grab the carrot and stash it for days.

Yesterday, it was rainy and just plain ugly outside.  I woke up, had breakfast, took a nap, and then woke up and threw up.  Mom rushed over and cleaned up the mess I made, but she looked puzzled as to why I had some carrot pieces in my vomit.  My parents were both puzzled as to why I got sick, but little did they know, I snuck a piece of carrot from the previous day.

Today, Dad was working in the office and caught me nibbling on something orange.  He thought it was a bit odd that I was chewing on something orange, so he walked over and discovered an old carrot that I smuggled the other day.  It had funny looking stuff on it and started to change colors.  He took my carrot away and now I’m pretty bummed.  One thing is for sure, they will never know where I stashed it.  Muahahahah.

I like to sleep, with all 4's in the air!

Good News!

Hey guys (and gals), I just got my wrap removed and I can feel my fingers again!  I feel great and can’t wait to play outside again.  Good night and catch up soon.  ZZzzzzZZZZzz

Fuego’s *new* Gold Amex…

I never leave home without it, since I’m so accident prone! Check out my front leg. Not to worry, I didn’t break it this time, i just broke a nail! I’m really clumsy when I run and often trip over myself. hehehehe. I broke a nail really deep, and the vet had to remove it. I’m doing great, but I just look silly in my party hat again.

Looky, my wrap almost matches the wall!

Fuego approved!

My very own card...it's about time!

Fuego’s New Year Resolution(s)!

Happy 2010! I rang in the New Year with my parents yesterday @ home, and it was fun!

Here are my NY Resolutions:
1. Over come my separation anxiety.
2. Exercise more, eat less treats.
3. Control my tinkle, when people come over to say hello.

Happy 2010!